We get quite a few emails asking for a little tutorial on taking the labels off of red wine and Pellegrino bottles, which we first did for our wedding back in 2007 to create little water, lemonade and sweet tea carafes for every table (we even recruited a local red wine store to save bottles from their red wine tastings for us so we could collect them en masse for free).

When it concerned stripping the labels, we experimented with a few different ways but in the end nothing worked better than a little hour-long soaking session in hot water followed by a good scrubbing with a textured sponge (or even my fingernails- ever so lightly). After a good soak, everything slips best off.
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Then a bit of Goo Gone (or de-gunking alternatives like olive oil, nail polish remover, or citrus juice) can be introduced if there’s still some residue, but typically the ol’ soak & scrub method does the trick on its own. and that method isn’t an ancient memory because two years later we’re still saving pretty bottles and removing their labels to create an ever-growing collection of totally free glass vases that we like to group on a tray in the sunroom…

… or even use to add a few pops of green color to the floating shelves in the living room:

So there you have it. A little fast and easy label-removing tutorial that may just help you repurpose some of the things that could already be in your recycling bin at this very moment. long live totally free decor- especially when it’s so easy to strip down!

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