selling your home is one of the most significant transactions you’ll ever be involved in. To help you through the process of such an essential company deal, you’ll want to select a real estate agent who displays a good combination of knowledge, honesty and communication skills suitable to your needs.

As with other service companies and consultants, the best way to find a real estate agent is through personal referrals from family or friends. look for an agent who shows knowledge of the real estate market and your neighbourhood, displays confidence and above all, listens to your concerns.

Here are a few suggestions to help you find the best real estate agent:

Check available signs in your neighbourhood for names of agents who specialize in your local area.

Attend open houses promoted in your local papers to meet agents in your community.

Check weekly housing listings in newspapers for real estate agents who have noted similar homes to yours in your neighbourhood.

Visit real estate agency web sites to find a particular realtor or for a noting of real estate offices in your area. numerous agency web sites feature an on-line multiple listings service for browsing properties; look for similar homes to yours in your community and make note of the names of agents representing them.

Request an agent check out for an interview or a noting presentation. This can give you the opportunity to assess their experience and qualifications, talk about a marketing plan to sell your home and possibly carry out a Comparative Market analysis (CMA). A CMA offers information on past and current home sales of homes similar to yours in your area, in addition to uncovering data on homes in your neighbourhood that did not sell. The agent may use this information, along with marketplace stats and their own experience to help you set a price for your home. Be sure to interview at least two agents before making your hiring decision. You have no obligation to hire on an agent who makes a visit.

Once you have chosen a real estate agent with whom you feel comfortable, you can expect them to offer sound guidance on putting your home on the market. They will help you identify a selling price and walk you through the signing of a noting contract that states the price of your home and any terms attached to its sale. This contract is used by all members of the Canadian real Estate association to match buyers with homes for sale.

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