We’re asked pretty frequently for a list of our must-have tools and while we’re sure we’re forgetting something, here’s a rundown of our all-time favorites (most of which we store in the kitchen cabinet to the left of the stove- yes, we know we’re weird).

Hammer and crowbar (no explanation required)

Flat head screwdriver (for using with screws but also with a hammer as a makeshift chisel to pop off baseboards and trim)

Tape measure (we have a substantial beat up old Stanley one that we love)

Phillips head screwdriver (another self-explanatory item)

Plumber’s Putty, liquid Nails and plumber’s tape (three major problem solvers that are always great to have on hand)

Box cutter, Exacto knife, straight razors (for everything from cutting vinyl tile to scraping paint off of a window or mirror)

Channel lock pliers (we have a big one and a small one- they’re incredible for turning old rusted believed-to-be-unturnable nuts and bolts)

Wrenches of all sizes (although we normally reach for the channel lock first considering that it’s such an all star)

Needle nosed pliers (good for detail work and also helpful considering that they have the wire cutting thing in the middle of the… uh, nose? mouth?)

Level (because wonky is never a good look)

Cordless drill (we have a little one for smaller jobs and a big manly battery operated one for the major stuff)

Sandpaper (we like our electric sander but use regular old sandpaper and elbow grease far more- and we haven’t found sanding blocks that we like better than low-cost sheets of sandpaper, so we stick to those… and save a few bucks while we’re at it).

Caulk, a caulk gun, spackle and a putty knife (because it’s all about taking care of those holes and cracks before painting- remember paint magnifies problems instead of hiding them)

Painter’s tape, high quality angled paint brushes (we love this one), paint trays, a roller extension rod, and high quality not-foam rollers (foam riles up paint and leaves you with a lot more bubbles than the good quality wool and poly ones)

An assortment of nails and screws (these are just things you must always have on stand-by so you don’t have to drive to Lowe’s or home Depot fifty times per project thereby looking lame to the people at the cash register- we speak from experience here)

So there it is. A helpful breakdown of our favorite tools. and considering that we know we’re forgetting something (or have yet to discover some life-changing tool) absolutely let us know what you can’t live without when it pertains to getting ‘er done.
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