It ought to come as no surprise that my love of soda t-shirts translates to a general love of soda itself. I know it’s not good for me, but because I avoid other vices (alcohol, cigarettes, Honey Boo Boo) I typically give myself a pass on the soda thing. but not this month. Nope. For the month of October I’m swearing off all beverages except for good ol’ H2O. I actually started this tradition back in college in an effort to both detox myself for the month and hopefully create a long lasting healthier practice of choosing water over sugary drinks. Being the marketing student that I was at the time, I dubbed my little effort “Aquatober.”

This will be my 10th year of “celebrating” Aquatober. I’ve had varying success with it over the past decade. many months I make it through – although I do allow another healthy option (milk) to sneak in there (can’t have cereal with water, right?). Some years it even carries far beyond October. In 2008 I actually attempted a whole year of water-only, but it fell apart when Sherry unintentionally served me a Sprite at a wedding and things, well, went downhill from there. So I don’t beat myself up if I slip up because the spirit of the resolution is to try to drink better. and heck, I typically end up saving some money along the way.

So with all of that said. Who’s with me? anybody else feel like taking the Aquatober challenge? may the odds be evah in your favor.
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